Monday, March 26, 2007


So how was the weekend?not so good i presume...atleast if you are an cricket watching indian fan....loss of sleep coupled with a loss of respect and sometimes loss of property does not have tidings for a good weekend...Let me give you some ideas as to how to cope....
1 Stop watching cricket.
2 If you disregard no 1,then expect the worst...we are going to lose.Keep your doctor on speed dial.
3 There are other games you know!...yes there our national monkeys hockey!not cricket...
4 Watch football....atleast we dont care who wins or loses AND it gets over in a couple of hours.So you're other half will be happy too..So this solves a lot of issues about Tv and sofa hogging.
5 If you have watched the match and not slept,watch golf,another game,morons...most guarnteed to put you to sleep after chess,especially if you do not know the rules of either...
6 Get an education,watch the statistics of india's chances at world cup...we're the original braniacs.
7 Go to a's the only place probably where cricket is not relayed.
8 Best of all..switch off the TV.
9 Most importantly..pray for Australia to lose.Something can be done by you,cant it??

All said and done,it was a bad show,so nothing much can be done about it.What is the point of tearing down their houses and blackening their faces on was us who got them up there in the first place,the large reason for our disappointment in their performance is us itself..So next time you know who to support...God bless his soul...Woolmer!

Where is Boycott and gavaskar and pataudi when we need them....retired it seems!humph!!!